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mardi 30 octobre 2012

How to optimize mobile advertising ?


mercredi 24 octobre 2012

How to optimize Social Channel ?

Utilization of social channels about B2B companies.
How they use them to generate more prospects.
The Marketo Company gives us the keys for it's strategy.
The authors show us that B2B companies have great utility of social networks

The social channels are very present in personal or professional life. Companies have more and more employs them to generate more potential customers.
Today, 1/3 of global B2B buyers use social media to engage with their vendors. And 75% expect to use social media in future purchases processes.
What is the strategy used by companies to have such success ?
What can be the negative point about it ?

  • Why is necessary to have today some social network in the B to B world ?

Internet : New Generation
At the beginning the main utility of internet were mailing, searching…so, peoples spend a short time on internet but with social networks, internet users start to spend more time « connected » and that way inspire new marketing strategy.
In the professional field of a B2B strategy, compagny find interest to used social network to promote it expert, to be visible, to express… The « inbound marketing » is used by the compagnies, and it respect in particulary visibility and presence.

In 2012, everything is possible on internet, job searching, sellings, informations… it’s for this reason than B2B socials networks are important, know-how searching, competence, domain we would to work, profils, an employer can share with his employes or potentials… He cans promote his compagny, create a difference with others and more and more exemple.
There will always be negative points but fortunately many positive BtoB can now move forward more ideas, faster, and creates a specific profile to yourself. This is a real wealth that allows to exchange, share, design, help improve its reputation, this example on Linkedin with 175 million members.

  • Commun points and differences:

"Twitter is the bar, Facebook is the barbecue in the backyard and Linkedin is the office."

We can say clearly that social networks are nowadays essentials. Yet, despite all the advantages that we know, they still have obvious disavantages as « Leak of clics » or the management of relationships with all the users.
But then, what are the solutions for compagnies to enjoy all the advantages of web 2.0 without undergo all the disadvantages of it ? It’s probably up to the compagny itself to set up its own limits about the social networks use and what can be told about it online.
But one question remains unanswered : Are the social networks just a simple fad ? Because even if the number of users is important, only 0,04% of clics are recorded on web add on those networks, so we can ask ourselves about the effectiveness of web marketing strategy. It s true that the social networks change the models and the organisation of traditionnal marketing, because of the diffusion of the product on the internet.

But then will the vision of web marketing overlooks on the traditional vision of marketing ? Only the future will tell …


social media in China- things are different

Facebook, linked-in, you tube or twitter, you are probably using one or more social media every days right? chinese people does the same don't worry but you won't find them. Never heard about RENREN, TUDOU, BAIDU or WEIBO? Lets see what it's about.

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Holiday Readiness affects business chat

Nowadays, in order to meet requirements of the customers, many companies use live chat software to keep in touch with their buyers. Boldchat realized a survey to show the importance of these live chats which became an indispensable marketing tool.

  • Customers’ way of buying changed a lot with the apparition of the Web. Today there are live chats softwares that allow companies to keep in touch with the customers. It’s easy for them to use it at anytime, and particularly during the holiday shopping season. Thanks live chat, everybody can save time. Companies need to have an interface which represents themselves, that’s why they can customize their page.

BoldChat is a new company, leader in the market of live chat for business.

"Can’t wait,
Try it, it's risk free!"

Boldchat made a survey on more than 300 companies that shows the importance of the holiday shopping season for online businesses, the preparation needed to be ready before these seasons, and the impact of this period on the live chat implementations present on the respondents’ sites.

#1: Live Chat Takes Years to Get Right
  • In spite of a sharp drop off, the holiday season really affects live chat. In fact, more than 50% of all the companies researched prepare this season.

#2: Live Chat Agents Do More Than Just Live Chat
  • This survey allows us to understand the importance of live chat agents. The companies need them to assist customers with sales. They got 4 principals communication channels that are telephone, emails, social (which is more use now because of is perpetual development), and texting.

#3: Online Consumers Likely to Find Low-Price Deals This Season
  • About communication during this season, consumers want to find some kind of promotions through visual indicators on-site, dedicated landing pages, or even by engaging with a live chat agent.

#4: Live Chat Optimizations Good Year-Round
  • To optimize live chat, a lot of companies focus their attention on specific areas to prepare the holiday season. For example, these areas should be to implement a proactive chat or to empower agents to offer incentives.


  • Since a few years, the use of live chat has become a habit. Companies use more and more this kind of software to offer personalized assistance for their customers. Live chat is important for marketing’s companies, on the long run.

  • However, BoldChat is not the only software on the market. There are others actors. Thanks to this survey, right now companies should have a new idea to improve the quality of this service. Relationship sellers/buyers will become a key element of sales’ increasing.

What kind of new tools companies can offer to their customers to put them on the center of its service?



Top 10 Need to Knows About Social Networking and Where it is headed

Hebergeur d'image

Hebergeur d'image

In less than 10 years, social networks changed people life. Today, they are an important part of our daily life, as the TV or the radio. At the beginning in 2007, it was less than 500 million users. It wasn’t a phenomenon yet. But in 5 years, everything changed in our virtual landscape. When you are talking to someone about Twitter, he will think “social networks”. Users can go on their favorite social networks with different computers. They are building different kind of relationship, with someone they had never seen. They are sharing their private life, even if “private” doesn’t mean something. But social networks habits are different between countries, how can they evolve in the future? With this article we will see the evolution of social networks and try to see their influence in the entire world.

This Report uses data collected from Come Score Media Metrix. (MMM): Ad, mobile, media metrix.s The census data are collected from operators and is ascribed with demographic data collected from mobiles of a sample of mobile users (30,000 approximately) who gives their permission. This method gives key market-level mobile web visitation and engagement metrics. It also delivers usage figures for connected apps.
Operators where the data come from are the UK mobile Operators. (O2, Vodafone, EverythingEverywhere, 3 UK). The COM Score Media Metrix suite of syndicated products sets the standard for digital audience measurement and media planning.

Come Score is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital Business analytics. ComScore helps its clients better understand, leverage and profit from the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape by providing data, analytics and on-demands oftware solutions for the measurement of online ads and audiences, media planning, website analytics, advertising effectiveness, copy-testing, social media, search, video, mobile, cross-media, e-commerce, and a broad variety of emerging forms of digital consumer behavior. Media Metrix reports on more than 70,000 entities uses audience measurement in more 43 countries and 6 global regions that’s cover worldwide totals.

What we can notice, it is that, geographically, people spend more or less the same duration on social networks following the place they live and the development of a country. It appears that in Latin America, people are more keen on social networks than in the rest of the world (they spend 8.1 hours on social networks a day I guess). It is also the case in Israel and Turkey. However, not so many people have a computer to go on internet, so only 107.3 million people use social networks for a region accounting about 470 000 million persons. It is obviously Europe countries and Anglo-Saxon countries where social networks are the most used. They are classical developed countries and people use to go on internet and social networks. Another important thing: except in Japan, online population visits also social networks. That was not the case a decade ago.
Tiny nuance continental Europe and eastern Asia where the oldest part of the population still doesn’t use that much this way of communication. Facebook is the social network the most used around the world, even if there are still some reluctances in Russia for example.

To conclude we can notice the social network not only change professional relation, both social and cultural aspects moved. People are finding through this way new horizons and a new path to be connected with the whole world. Facebook is making a revolution in your life for showing personal data, pictures... In effect, the social network is being useful until for companies because they can learn more about you than using a resume. It is also a new technology of communication very important for companies to communicate with suppliers, partners… Using collaborative technologies Cisco earned productivity saving money and winning time and reduced greenhouse gas. Executives don’t take the plane to visit another subsidiary, don’t pollute, don’t waste time, and is more available at the office and so more productive.

This new way of communicate is becoming a place of interaction essential and we are going to considerate it more and more. So either the social network is dangerous we have to educate ourselves to use it correctly and effectively. People is changing is way of mind and understand the strength of this tool.

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