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lundi 12 novembre 2012

Social media in china, things are different


Facebook, twitter, youtube or link-in ,these social-medias do not exist in China because of the censorship. Chinese people are using different social media like renren, weibo or kaixin. Because of the different culture, they have a different way of using social medias weither it's used by online users or companies.


The world's largest demography is also the world's largest social-media market. It's vastly different from its counterpart in the west but there are some similar aspects. Social-media is a larger phenomenon in the world’s second-biggest economy than in other countries, including the United States. But why is it not exactly used the same as in the western countries?

1. Surveying the scene

-the world's biggest internet user base -world's most active environment for social media -chinese companies have social medias more advanced tan in western countries -A growth of social medias is difficult because of the censorship established by the government

2. Particularities of chinese social-medias

-Social media targets a Socio-professional group of people, depending on the age, family situation etc..
-Given the active censorship in China, Social Medias are very influenced by the Chinese culture.
-Young people are very active on social Medias.
-Social medias develop themselves more and more, and the government has difficulties to have them under control

3. Consumers and social media

- Multiple accounts
- 100 millions mobiles social users
- Users value the advices of opinion leaders
-A real opportunity for marketers

4. How companies are using social media

-A window to show their products
-they are using artificial writers
-A problem for users to distinguish the right from the fake

5. Crafting a winning strategy

- Chinese brands use essentially social medias efforts to support their goals!
- Making content authentic and entertaining to attract more internet users
- Marketing team constantly adapting content and learn from the users reactions
- Ingredients of success in marketing action are pretty similar but different because of the particular context in china with a big government power.


Companies are taking adventages of social-media and are using them as a tool for their strategy.
Chinese inhabitants are strongly influenced by social medias, which impact heavily on their consumption.
China is a politicly a communist country and informations are censored by the government. We can wonder where social medias will stop their explosive growth and if they will ever change the policy about censorship on social medias.



Exemples of Chinese social media (1: renren, 2: sina weibo)

vendredi 9 novembre 2012

THE M-MARKETING : The marketing of tomorrow

Mobile marketing is simply the process of marketing to people via their mobile devices. This is really just an extension of internet marketing, as more and more people are starting to spend more time on their mobile devices and less time on their computers it was inevitable that the internet marketers would move into this form of marketing. If you want to be successful with your mobile marketing campaign, you will need to be more creative in your approach to marketing.

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mardi 6 novembre 2012

Buzz Marketing

Buzz marketing engages users as brand ambassadors. Several aspects need to be considered for social network marketing success, like sharing pertinent contents and to target the matching audience.

Methology/Research methods
Silverpop, as specialist for digital marketing, regularly publishes case studies. The following steps are partly based on this practical experience, but also on corresponding literature.

Over the last years, customers and prospects are more and more inclining towards forming online social communities, blogs and networks not just to stay in touch with friends, but also to exchange views on brands and businesses. This is a challenge that marketers have to face lately.

1. Determine Your Strategy and Find Your Key Channels

A company should elaborate a marketing strategy that matches with their overall and social media goal. Social media can be used as a sale, promotion, customer support and communication channel. The enterprise needs to locate the social networks where the real target group is active. In general, users are active on various platforms, like Facebook and Twitter. B2C marketing focuses on entertaining platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, where promotions take place and costumers get engaged. B2B marketing is more informative and uses channels such as Blogs or Twitter.

2. Create Content That Connects

A pertinent, engaging and share-worthy content is still the most important part of any campaign to evoke a two-way dialogue with the customer. However, the style and voice of the messages have to be linear and adapted to the specific channel. Articles are more detailed; Twitter on the other hand, has to catch the reader in just 140 characters. Furthermore, Tweets as well as blog post are additional inbound links that will show up in search engines and thus, using the right keywords can increase the overall site traffic through the search engines. Consistency is expected and will even increase this traffic further.

3. Engage & Monitor the Marketplace

The best scenario is seeing the message go viral, that means social network users spread it themselves. Companies need to start posting content on networks that encourages people to participate and that is related to the company’s activity without being perceived as advertisement. Monitoring people's activity in social networks will help to understand and interact with them. The more interaction, the better the viral marketing is. It can be monitored for example by measuring how often the customers share the message. The final step consists of analyzing the data obtained by social media monitoring, figuring out mistakes and eliminating them.

4. Identify and Enable Influencers

Given that social media marketing is most effective when it’s costumer to costumer, companies can use these already established connections to promote their product. Potential brand ambassadors, such as fans or bloggers have to be identified and engaged. Regular contact and special offers will increase their loyalty and as a result, will make them to believable promoters. The company should deal with criticism immediately, in public or in private, to demonstrate its awareness.

5. Conclusion

All in all, Buzz Marketing is an inexpensive and fast way to promote products in the Internet. Original and engaging content will involve users of various social networks and they will participate by spreading it. This results in an increasing visibility and further attachment to the brand.

6. References

Stokes, R. (2008). eMarketing: The essential guide to digital marketing. s.l.: Quirk eMarketing.

Silverpop (2010). Buzz Building: 7 Steps to Social Media Marketing Success. White Paper. [Online]. Available at: http://www.silverpop.com/marketing-resources/white-papers/download/social-media-success.html (Accessed: 22. October 2012)

Pelet, J. (2012) The Buzz Marketing: Electronic Word of Mouth. [Online]. Available at: http://emarketinpress.wordpress.com/buzz/ (Accessed: 10. November 2012)

Facebook (2012). Starbucks. Available at: http://www.facebook.com/Starbucks (Accessed: 08. November 2012)

Twitter (2012). Starbucks. Available at: https://fr.twitter.com/Starbucks (Accessed: 08. November 2012)

Youtube (2012). Starbucks. Available: http://www.youtube.com/user/Starbucks (Accessed: 08. November 2012)

The Power of Like

  • BARROT Tristan
  • CRESSON Benjamin
  • LE LIEVRE Alexandre
  • VIOLLEAU Meriadec
  • SOMMER Benjamin
  • DYENS Ken

Facebook. When we hear this name, we all know what we are talking about : The most famous social network ever since. If today Facebook seems to be the greatest place to be connected with our “own community” on internet, it is also a great opportunity for brands. Every day, more than 3 billion likes and comments are made by users, called “fans” by companies. Those communities give important opportunities to attract potential customers for marketers, because Facebook pages created by brands can help them by :
  • Evaluating the popularity of the concerned brand;
  • Communicating with consumers and entertaining a strong relation;
  • Developing the digital marketing of the brand.

In this synthesis we will try to explain shortly what the “Power of Like” on Facebook is for marketers and brands.

In the U.S., 90% of all time spent on social networking sites are for Facebook only. 27% of the activity of Facebook users is centered on the homepage and newsfeed, and 21% is centered on profile viewing. Needless to say how it is interesting for a company, especially as we know that Facebook has approximately 160 million visitors per month (about ¾ internet users) who visit the site each day for the majority.

Facebook put tools for brands in order to let them develop their digital business and marketing, for money (that is how Facebook realizes 82% of its receipts). Those tools are advertisements, called “impressions”, situated on the homepage, the newsfeed, friends’ profile or directly on a commercial fan page :

  • Page publishing : Posted by the brand itself on its Facebook page, appearing in the newsfeed;
  • Stories about friends : These are the famous “X.Person likes X.Brand”;
  • Sponsored stories : The same as “stories about friends”, but on the right of the Facebook page (can also appear on a friend’s page);
  • Ads with social : Posted by the brand itself but depending on a social context. It will appear even if we didn’t “like” the brand’s page.

Users like brand pages for several reasons : Self-expression, communication with the brand, communicating positive associations of brands to others and receiving deals and promotion. So, brand fans become “social marketing vehicles” and sources of information about products and consumers (what kind of profile(s) ) for companies, because they make ads and pages travel all over Facebook and they give their opinion about. The important thing is to entertain a dialog with consumers, and being seen and recognized by fans, friends of fans and to convert non-fans.

Moreover, we can see that a lot of famous person has been known and improve their image thanks to social networks. Indeed, the number of “Like” is currently able to reflect the notoriety of an artist/sportive and this is why famous person use that way of communication more and more. People are very active on social network, and celebrities know this. As an example, we can speak about the fan page of Shaka Ponk, the French rock band, using Facebook as a communication and marketing tool.

Sources :
original paper on Power of Like

mardi 30 octobre 2012

How to optimize mobile advertising ?


mercredi 24 octobre 2012

How to optimize Social Channel ?

Utilization of social channels about B2B companies.
How they use them to generate more prospects.
The Marketo Company gives us the keys for it's strategy.
The authors show us that B2B companies have great utility of social networks

The social channels are very present in personal or professional life. Companies have more and more employs them to generate more potential customers.
Today, 1/3 of global B2B buyers use social media to engage with their vendors. And 75% expect to use social media in future purchases processes.
What is the strategy used by companies to have such success ?
What can be the negative point about it ?

  • Why is necessary to have today some social network in the B to B world ?

Internet : New Generation
At the beginning the main utility of internet were mailing, searching…so, peoples spend a short time on internet but with social networks, internet users start to spend more time « connected » and that way inspire new marketing strategy.
In the professional field of a B2B strategy, compagny find interest to used social network to promote it expert, to be visible, to express… The « inbound marketing » is used by the compagnies, and it respect in particulary visibility and presence.

In 2012, everything is possible on internet, job searching, sellings, informations… it’s for this reason than B2B socials networks are important, know-how searching, competence, domain we would to work, profils, an employer can share with his employes or potentials… He cans promote his compagny, create a difference with others and more and more exemple.
There will always be negative points but fortunately many positive BtoB can now move forward more ideas, faster, and creates a specific profile to yourself. This is a real wealth that allows to exchange, share, design, help improve its reputation, this example on Linkedin with 175 million members.

  • Commun points and differences:

"Twitter is the bar, Facebook is the barbecue in the backyard and Linkedin is the office."

We can say clearly that social networks are nowadays essentials. Yet, despite all the advantages that we know, they still have obvious disavantages as « Leak of clics » or the management of relationships with all the users.
But then, what are the solutions for compagnies to enjoy all the advantages of web 2.0 without undergo all the disadvantages of it ? It’s probably up to the compagny itself to set up its own limits about the social networks use and what can be told about it online.
But one question remains unanswered : Are the social networks just a simple fad ? Because even if the number of users is important, only 0,04% of clics are recorded on web add on those networks, so we can ask ourselves about the effectiveness of web marketing strategy. It s true that the social networks change the models and the organisation of traditionnal marketing, because of the diffusion of the product on the internet.

But then will the vision of web marketing overlooks on the traditional vision of marketing ? Only the future will tell …


social media in China- things are different

Facebook, linked-in, you tube or twitter, you are probably using one or more social media every days right? chinese people does the same don't worry but you won't find them. Never heard about RENREN, TUDOU, BAIDU or WEIBO? Lets see what it's about.

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Holiday Readiness affects business chat

Nowadays, in order to meet requirements of the customers, many companies use live chat software to keep in touch with their buyers. Boldchat realized a survey to show the importance of these live chats which became an indispensable marketing tool.

  • Customers’ way of buying changed a lot with the apparition of the Web. Today there are live chats softwares that allow companies to keep in touch with the customers. It’s easy for them to use it at anytime, and particularly during the holiday shopping season. Thanks live chat, everybody can save time. Companies need to have an interface which represents themselves, that’s why they can customize their page.

BoldChat is a new company, leader in the market of live chat for business.

"Can’t wait,
Try it, it's risk free!"

Boldchat made a survey on more than 300 companies that shows the importance of the holiday shopping season for online businesses, the preparation needed to be ready before these seasons, and the impact of this period on the live chat implementations present on the respondents’ sites.

#1: Live Chat Takes Years to Get Right
  • In spite of a sharp drop off, the holiday season really affects live chat. In fact, more than 50% of all the companies researched prepare this season.

#2: Live Chat Agents Do More Than Just Live Chat
  • This survey allows us to understand the importance of live chat agents. The companies need them to assist customers with sales. They got 4 principals communication channels that are telephone, emails, social (which is more use now because of is perpetual development), and texting.

#3: Online Consumers Likely to Find Low-Price Deals This Season
  • About communication during this season, consumers want to find some kind of promotions through visual indicators on-site, dedicated landing pages, or even by engaging with a live chat agent.

#4: Live Chat Optimizations Good Year-Round
  • To optimize live chat, a lot of companies focus their attention on specific areas to prepare the holiday season. For example, these areas should be to implement a proactive chat or to empower agents to offer incentives.


  • Since a few years, the use of live chat has become a habit. Companies use more and more this kind of software to offer personalized assistance for their customers. Live chat is important for marketing’s companies, on the long run.

  • However, BoldChat is not the only software on the market. There are others actors. Thanks to this survey, right now companies should have a new idea to improve the quality of this service. Relationship sellers/buyers will become a key element of sales’ increasing.

What kind of new tools companies can offer to their customers to put them on the center of its service?



Top 10 Need to Knows About Social Networking and Where it is headed

Hebergeur d'image

Hebergeur d'image

In less than 10 years, social networks changed people life. Today, they are an important part of our daily life, as the TV or the radio. At the beginning in 2007, it was less than 500 million users. It wasn’t a phenomenon yet. But in 5 years, everything changed in our virtual landscape. When you are talking to someone about Twitter, he will think “social networks”. Users can go on their favorite social networks with different computers. They are building different kind of relationship, with someone they had never seen. They are sharing their private life, even if “private” doesn’t mean something. But social networks habits are different between countries, how can they evolve in the future? With this article we will see the evolution of social networks and try to see their influence in the entire world.

This Report uses data collected from Come Score Media Metrix. (MMM): Ad, mobile, media metrix.s The census data are collected from operators and is ascribed with demographic data collected from mobiles of a sample of mobile users (30,000 approximately) who gives their permission. This method gives key market-level mobile web visitation and engagement metrics. It also delivers usage figures for connected apps.
Operators where the data come from are the UK mobile Operators. (O2, Vodafone, EverythingEverywhere, 3 UK). The COM Score Media Metrix suite of syndicated products sets the standard for digital audience measurement and media planning.

Come Score is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital Business analytics. ComScore helps its clients better understand, leverage and profit from the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape by providing data, analytics and on-demands oftware solutions for the measurement of online ads and audiences, media planning, website analytics, advertising effectiveness, copy-testing, social media, search, video, mobile, cross-media, e-commerce, and a broad variety of emerging forms of digital consumer behavior. Media Metrix reports on more than 70,000 entities uses audience measurement in more 43 countries and 6 global regions that’s cover worldwide totals.

What we can notice, it is that, geographically, people spend more or less the same duration on social networks following the place they live and the development of a country. It appears that in Latin America, people are more keen on social networks than in the rest of the world (they spend 8.1 hours on social networks a day I guess). It is also the case in Israel and Turkey. However, not so many people have a computer to go on internet, so only 107.3 million people use social networks for a region accounting about 470 000 million persons. It is obviously Europe countries and Anglo-Saxon countries where social networks are the most used. They are classical developed countries and people use to go on internet and social networks. Another important thing: except in Japan, online population visits also social networks. That was not the case a decade ago.
Tiny nuance continental Europe and eastern Asia where the oldest part of the population still doesn’t use that much this way of communication. Facebook is the social network the most used around the world, even if there are still some reluctances in Russia for example.

To conclude we can notice the social network not only change professional relation, both social and cultural aspects moved. People are finding through this way new horizons and a new path to be connected with the whole world. Facebook is making a revolution in your life for showing personal data, pictures... In effect, the social network is being useful until for companies because they can learn more about you than using a resume. It is also a new technology of communication very important for companies to communicate with suppliers, partners… Using collaborative technologies Cisco earned productivity saving money and winning time and reduced greenhouse gas. Executives don’t take the plane to visit another subsidiary, don’t pollute, don’t waste time, and is more available at the office and so more productive.

This new way of communicate is becoming a place of interaction essential and we are going to considerate it more and more. So either the social network is dangerous we have to educate ourselves to use it correctly and effectively. People is changing is way of mind and understand the strength of this tool.

jeudi 21 juin 2012

Samsung emmène Angry Birds dans l'espace !

Le dernier Angry Bird du developpeur de jeux finlandais Rovio est disponible depuis le 22 mars. Le jeu Angry Birds Space était attendu par des milliers de fan: Angry Birds totalise plus de 700 millions de téléchargements pour ses versions antérieures! Voici le but du jeu : les cochons de l’espace (les cochons verts) ont capturé les œufs que les oiseaux (très énervés) doivent sauver. Ce nouveau volet de la saga à succès se déroule donc dans l’espace et un nouvel handicap fait son apparition : l’apesanteur. Les trajectoires ne sont significativement plus les mêmes. De nouvelles tactiques et techniques seront à développer. Au programme: plus de 60 niveaux et 6 nouveaux oiseaux aux superpouvoirs.
Angry Birds Space a été présenté lors du salon numérique SWSX d’Austin au Texas, sur le Samsung Galaxy Note.Les possesseurs du smartphone auront la chance de se voir offrir du contenu additionnel. Le géant coréen Samsung en profite pour continuer à communiquer autour du Galaxy Note et sa campagne marketing.

Cette pratique n'est pas nouvelle car elle avait été utilisée pour le film Rio.

Le marketing viral : bien construit, il s'infiltrera partout

Bouche-à-oreille on line, le marketing viral est une forme de publicité interactive où le consommateur contribue à diffuser le message de la marque via Internet. L’intérêt pour la marque est alors de décupler sa vitesse de communication, mais surtout de bénéficier d’un crédit supérieur auprès de la cible. Technique de marketing relationnel devenue incontournable pour de nombreuses marques, le marketing viral vise à diffuser un message publicitaire à une vitesse exponentielle. Les internautes, dont beaucoup les blogueurs, deviennent ainsi des ambassadeurs des marques et de leurs outils qui cherchent à les séduire. Cet outil de communication à double tranchant nécessite de respecter certaines règles afin de toucher la bonne cible. Les techniques de marketing virales ne cessent d'évoluer, de se transformer, et tout simplement de se créer. Car aucune règle universelle n'est valide ou invalide pour rassembler les gens sur le réseau ou communiquer une information. Par contre certains mécanismes induits se reconnus comme efficaces, comme le fait de "liker" sur facebook : plus il y aura de "like", plus le "post" sera considéré comme intéressant, donc visible, et donc entrainera de nouveaux "like"... Un exemple attestant à quel point ce système viral est impressionant : Un Australien a mis en ligne un site simple : 15 photos, trouvées sur Flickr.com (site de partage de photos) donc ne nécessitant aucun effort ni talent de photographe, toutes magnifiques donc juste bien choisies, défilant sur un fond noir, très lentement et donnant au spectateur l'envie de voir la suivante, tout en étant obligé de profiter de chaque image. Un effort loin d'être hors de commun, qui, grâce à un twitt communiquant à ses contacts que le site était déjà connu (tel un effet de levier imaginaire), a obtenu 250 000 visites ne serait-ce que le premier jour !

The Million dollar Homepage

Alex Tew est un jeune anglais de 21 ans, qui a eu une idée originale en 2005 : « MillionDollarHomePage », il s’agit d’une page web mise en ligne au publique, avec un million de pixels où chaque pixel est vendu à 1dollar, cette idée n’aura pas eu lieu, si cet étudiant n’était pas dans le besoin de financier ses études supérieures.

La première étape après la mise en place de son blog, a été d’emprunté de l'argent de ses amis pour envoyer un communiqué de presse payant qui était assez cher. En raison de l’originalité de son idée, il a été immédiatement repris par les grandes chaînes de télévision telles que la CNN, BBC et aussi quelques publications en ligne. Cela lui a donné la popularité instantanément, du coup Alex a commencé à vendre des centaines de pixels chaque jour, et très vite il a touché un million de dollar.

La morale de cette histoire, si vous voulez vraiment faire l'argent en ligne ou de créer une campagne virale réussie tout ce que vous avez besoin, c’est un peu de créativité. L’idée d'Alex a été faite pour le succès, et il est sans doute entrain de profiter de la vie avec des revenus générés passivement.

Sources :

vendredi 8 juin 2012

Danone arrête son yaourt Essensis

Une grosse perte pour Danone...

Pepsi versus Coca Cola

La bataille sur le marché du cola entre ces deux marques fait rage depuis des années. Petit tour sur les publicités de la marque Pepsi.

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One feat: Quand les idées ne suffisent plus en France...

One feat est une start up composée de 3 français: Souheil, Julien et Arnaud.

Ils ont conçu une application pour iphone et android basé sur un sytème de paris.
Le but: parier avec la communauté de l'application pour gagner des points.

Ces paris sont basés sur le sponsoring, il faut relever des défis et se prendre en photo en situation. Ces défis peuvent être liés avec des marques comme "mettre ses rayban à l'envers en se balladant sous la tour eiffel", "mettre des baskets nike de couleurs différentes".

Créé en 2011, le concept a été fortement apprécié mais sans business plan, il n'y a pas eu de possibilités de financement. Ils sont donc partis à la Silicon Valley en 2012 et ont trouver des financement jusqu'à 500 000$. Ils ont la communauté mais pas de business plan (comme Facebook...), les prochains 'mark zuckerberg' seraient-ils français? L'avenir nous le dira.

Leur application se trouve sur leur site: http://onefeat.com/

source:la tribune
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