The M-commerce is the new favorite way of purchasing for the shopper. Nearly 14% French have already made a purchase with their mobile phone.
But what are exactly the new functionalities of the M-commerce?


I) An expansion of E-commerce.

The E-commerce is gradually inserted in our daily life until it overcomes our mobile phones, which are used as means of payment.
The M-commerce is a new form of trade that has emerged with the development of the Internet on the mobile. An explosion of applications and services accessible everywhere took place (Such as Fnac, SNCF and Vente-privée).

II) Payments by Mobile: A multitude of potential solutions.

In figures, 74% of mobile users have purchased an app for Smartphones and 46% are for games. However, the issue of safety is essential. There are multitudes of ways of payment (e.g. Paypal, Kwixo). But there are also some other ways of payment which are little-known like the Mobile Payment (e.g. Buyster) or the Near Field Communication (e.g. Google Wallet).

III) The hyper-accessibility of Purchase: the Eldorado of "shopping addicts"

Price comparison: Promotes the buying decision, revives the competition between stores and provides information on products.

M-couponing:Offers discounts with push applications. However, the editor of this service will have to highlight some information.

Discount card (loyalty actions):Tends to be replaced by applications on Smartphones. This allows the continued supply of the client, the accumulation of points etc.

The instant shopping: Some apps are available on android to find your favorite sign and to consult their promotional offers (e.g. Plyce shopping).

Push promotion: For some apps, you just have to localize yourself to receive the promotion of the store which are just near you (e.g. Mim or Mac Donald).

Advertising and compulsive buying: It’s possible to take a picture of a film poster with your phone to receive information about the movie and to buy your ticket (e.g. Pixee).

The end of the commercial border?

IV) New uses and services to a revolution in a sales behavior"

Facebook :
Some enterprises make special offers on Facebook which can only be realized if enough people are interested in. Then, you can pay this product by card or with the Credits of Facebook.

Mobile Shopper :
The Mobile Shopper is an application that makes your shopping easier. You can compare products, scan items and pay with different methods (e.g.Paypal).

Other examples:
- The social M-commerce: Showing the purchase on social networks.
- The business IRL (in real life): Reproduction of the real environment completed with virtual effects.
- The mobile multifonction: Gathering of a lot of services.

Get on the phone now !
